Improve Heart Disease with Mindfulness

Improve Heart Disease with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “it is not the stress in our life, but the reaction to stress that is so potentially harmful to our health, including cardiovascular health. Hence, being in a potentially very stressful profession, meditation and relaxation techniques are extremely important and useful to minimize […]

Reduce Inflammatory Processes with Mindfulness

Reduce Inflammatory Processes with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Millions of people around the world already enjoy the health benefits of mind-body interventions like yoga or meditation, but what they perhaps don’t realize is that these benefits begin at a molecular level and can change the way our genetic code goes about its […]

Reduce Fatigue with Breast Cancer with Yoga

Reduce Fatigue with Breast Cancer with Yoga   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Yoga works on the principle of mind and body health and it would help women cope with systemic therapy side effects better. Yoga nidra and pranayama also improve sleep patterns. Thus, all this together may reduce fatigue and pain.” – […]