Mindful Nurses are Better Nurses

Mindful Nurses are Better Nurses   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Mindfulness practice helps nurses to be more fully present with their patients and themselves. The ability to pay attention to what is happening “right now,” in this room with this patient, and not be distracted by other demands and concerns, creates space […]

Improve Employee’s Mental Health with Mindfulness

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Toxic emotions disrupt the workplace, and mindfulness increases your awareness of these destructive patterns, helping you recognize them before they run rampant. It’s a way of reprogramming your mind to think in healthier, less stressful, ways.” – Drew Hansen   Work is very important for our health […]

Alleviate General Practitioner Burnout with Mindfulness

Alleviate General Practitioner Burnout with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Enhancing the already inherent capacity of the physician to experience fully the clinical encounter—not only its pleasant but also its most unpleasant aspects—without judgment but with a sense of curiosity and adventure seems to have had a profound effect on the […]

Students AND Teachers Benefit from Mindfulness

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Beyond helping his students, Gonzalez also thinks mindfulness helps him to cope with the strains of teaching. He believes he now draws clearer lines in his relationships with students—giving them the skills to help themselves, rather than feeling that he needs to be the one to heal […]

Reduce Teacher Stress with Mindfulness

Reduce Teacher Stress with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Daily mindfulness practice has been scientifically proven to reduce teacher stress and burnout, in turn improving their effectiveness and engagement with their students.” – InnerExplorer   Stress is epidemic in the western workplace with almost two thirds of workers reporting high levels of stress […]

Mindfulness Training Produces no Harm

Mindfulness Training Produces no Harm   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “the occurrence of AEs during or after meditation practices is not uncommon, and may occur in individuals with no previous history of mental health problems.” – M. Farias   People begin meditation with the misconception that meditation will help them escape from […]