Expand the Brain with Meditation

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “You have the capacity to heal the emotional dysfunctionality of your own brain. When you increase your awareness with mindfulness, you can transform your brain, create new circuits or change the way neurons talk to each other.”  – Bhavika   There has accumulated a large amount of […]

Improve Mind-Body Connection with Mindfulness

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life.” – Sarah Lazar   The mind and body are intrinsically intertwined. The old distinction between […]

Better Measurement of Mindfulness, Anxiety, and Depression

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Thus, differing assessments may support implicitly distinct theoretical positions with respect to operationalizing mind- fulness. . . . researchers must be well informed and intentional in their selection of assessment tools because the breadth of currently available assessments provides researchers with a variety of measures, each with […]

Mindfully Control Inflammation

  “I don’t think anybody would argue that fact that we know inflammation in the body, which comes from a lot of different sources, is the basis for a lot of chronic health problems, so by controlling that, we would expect to see increased life expectancy … but if we’re not changing those things and just taking […]

Control Blood Pressure with Mindfulness

“A chronic state of arousal isn’t healthy. It causes hypertension, and it has been implicated in diabetes, asthma, and various gastrointestinal disorders. Part of the arousal response is to turn off the immune system, so you are breaking down instead of healing yourself.” ~ Erika Friedmann   High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) is an insidious disease because there […]

Mind-body Practices Promote Health and Well-being by Changing Gene Expression

  “We can’t any longer have the conventional understanding of genetics which everybody peddles because it is increasingly obvious that epigenetics – actually things which influence the genome’s function – are much more important than we realised.” – Robert Winston   There is an accumulating volume of research findings to demonstrate that Mind-body therapies have […]

Mindfulness, the Pain Killer

Many people have to deal with pain on a daily basis. Most use prescription medications to help. But, these drugs are dangerous and over 12,000 people a year die from overdoses of these powerful pain killers. In addition, there are a number of disorders that do not respond well to these drugs. One of these […]