Socially Mindful Behavior is Perceived Positively and Evokes Brain Responses

 Blood Glucose  Body Awareness  Body Fat  Body Satisfaction  Bone  Borderline Personality Disorder  Brain Chemistry  Brain Electrical Activity  Brain Injury  Brain systems  Burnout  Business  Cancer  Cardiovascular  Caregiving  Cause-Effect  Character  Children  Chron’s Disease  Chronic Disease  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)  Cigarettes  Cirrhosis  Cognition  Colds & Flu  Communications  Compassion  Conflict  cooperation  cost effectiveness  Covid-19  Creativity  Critical Thinking  Cystic […]

Reduce Anxiety in Women Undergoing Fertility Treatment with Yoga

Reduce Anxiety in Women Undergoing Fertility Treatment with Yoga   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “yoga is a relaxing activity. And there are some researched benefits regarding yoga, infertility, and the exercise’s ability to help couples release mental stress and physical tension.” – Ashley Marcin   Infertility is primarily a medical condition due to physiological problems. It […]

Reduce Heart Arrhythmia with Yoga

Reduce Heart Arrhythmia with Yoga   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “the practice of yoga is good for overall heart health, and especially beneficial for afib patients. Yoga can help reduce the number of episodes, lower blood pressure, and alleviate some of the anxiety and depression that may go along with having the […]

Reduce Distress and Increase Pregnancy in Women with Fertility Problems with Mind-Body Practices

Reduce Distress and Increase Pregnancy in Women with Fertility Problems with Mind-Body Practices   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “mindfulness becomes the perfect antidote for the paradoxical land mines infertility presents. Mindfulness starts from the perspective that you are whole and complete already, regardless of flaws or imperfections. It is based on the […]