Exercise on the Eightfold Path

Exercise on the Eightfold Path   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “it’s possible to merge awareness and physical exercise together as one. This allows you to experience the present moment during your physical activity.” – Adam Brady   We often think of meditation or spiritual practice as occurring in quiet places removed from […]

Mindfulness Improves Physical Health

Mindfulness Improves Physical Health   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “mindfulness benefits our bodies, not just our minds.” – Jill Suttie   Mindfulness training has been shown to be effective in improving physical and psychological health and particularly with the physical and psychological reactions to stress. Techniques such as Mindfulness Training, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based […]

Reduce Physiological Indicators of Stress with Mindfulness

Reduce Physiological Indicators of Stress with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Learning how to accept your present-moment experience is really important for reducing stress,” – Emily Lindsay   Mindfulness training has been shown to be effective in improving physical and psychological health. One reason for these benefits is that mindfulness training improves the […]

Reduce Distress and Increase Pregnancy in Women with Fertility Problems with Mind-Body Practices

Reduce Distress and Increase Pregnancy in Women with Fertility Problems with Mind-Body Practices   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “mindfulness becomes the perfect antidote for the paradoxical land mines infertility presents. Mindfulness starts from the perspective that you are whole and complete already, regardless of flaws or imperfections. It is based on the […]

Improve Cardiovascular Function with Qigong

Improve Cardiovascular Function with Qigong   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure and rate-pressure product were significantly decreased during Qi-training. From these results, we suggest that… Qi-training has psychological effects that indicate stabilization the of cardiovascular system.” – Michelle Fletcher   Cardiovascular disease is the number one […]

Improve Type 2 Diabetes with Mindful Movement

Improve Type 2 Diabetes with Mindful Movement   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Living with diabetes is a major life stressor, from the physical and psychological aspects of managing blood sugar and medications to the eating challenges. A great deal of what we go through in life is beyond our control. The diabetes […]