Mindfulness is Associated with Lower Stigma and Improved Social Engagement in Breast Cancer Survivors

Mindfulness is Associated with Lower Stigma and Improved Social Engagement in Breast Cancer Survivors   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Cancer is a word, not a sentence.”- John Diamond   Because of great advances in treatment, many patients today are surviving cancer. But cancer survivors frequently suffer from anxiety, depression, mood disturbance, post-traumatic […]

Improve Physiological Relaxation in Breast Cancer Patients with Mindfulness

Improve Physiological Relaxation in Breast Cancer Patients with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “mindfulness-based meditation can help ease the stress, anxiety, fear, and depression that often come along with a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.” –  Breastcancer.org   Mindfulness training has been shown to help with general cancer recovery. Mindfulness practices have been […]

Improve Autoimmune Hepatitis with Mindfulness

Improve Autoimmune Hepatitis with Mindfulness   By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Conventional medicine is great at taking test results and making recommendations based on those results, but it doesn’t really show you how to go about your day-to-day life with a chronic disease. Mindfulness is a practical coping tool and it’s always there […]