Improve Type II Diabetes with Yoga Therapy

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.     “many people who practice yoga report a deep sense of relaxation, substantially increased flexibility and blood and oxygen supply after regular classes—regardless of aerobic exercise. In addition, some reports suggest that because yoga can decrease stress, it may be helpful in controlling glucose levels in people with […]

Improve Type II Diabetes with Yoga

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Regular yoga practice can help reduce the level of sugar in the blood, along with lowering blood pressure, keeping a weight check, reducing the symptoms and slowing the rate of progression of diabetes, as well as lessening the severity of further complications.” – Art of Living   […]

Reverse Osteoporotic Bone Loss with Yoga

  By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Yoga’s emphasis on strength-building, balance and alignment can help people with osteoporosis avoid injury. Low-impact weight-bearing yoga poses stimulate bone growth to build stronger bones. Standing poses can build strength in your hips, an area commonly affected by osteoporosis. Light back-bending back extension poses decompress the vertebrae […]

Improve Oral Health with Yoga

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Is yoga the key to dental health? It may not fight cavities, but the ancient great exercise regimen can improve a person’s oral health in a number of other important areas. Most of the oral health benefits of yoga come from stress relief. Eliminating stress has benefits for […]

Yoga has Gone Mainstream in Schools

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “once children are in a more calm state, they can remember or be more mindful of actions, thoughts, and words from the heart — a more helpful behavior as opposed to self-centeredness.” – Kelly Wood   Yoga practice has been shown to have a large number of beneficial […]

Improve Schools with Yoga

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Today’s students face tremendous pressure to achieve within a world that is often overwhelming. The tools of yoga and mindfulness offer proven methods of developing the inner resilience needed to navigate physical, mental and emotional stress. . . and can increase their capacity to learn effectively, manage challenging emotions, self-regulate behavior, […]

Improve Health with Yoga for the Obese

By John M. de Castro   “Countless times I’ve been told that someone would do yoga, but only after they’ve lost weight. Unfortunately, this eliminates yoga as a tool for reclaiming their health based on their idea that yoga is only for the already thin and flexible. In fact, yoga can be done by everyone […]

Fight Osteoporosis with Yoga

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.   “Yoga puts more pressure on bone than gravity does. By opposing one group of muscles against another, it stimulates osteocytes, the bone-making cells.” – Loren Fishman   Bone is living tissue that, like all living tissues, is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation […]

Calm Anxiety with Yoga

“Yoga helps our entire system slow down. Our bodies are programmed to heal naturally, and what stops that healing are all the stressors of daily life. Yoga dissolves those stressors for the time during practice and usually the effects last for hours after.” – Elena Brower   Yoga practice is multifaceted. It is a physical […]