Increase Health Behaviors with Mindfulness

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“Even though the academic research on mindfulness meditation isn’t as robust as, say, nutrition or exercise, there is a reason why it’s been around for literally thousands of years. And we’re starting to get a better understanding of why it seems to be beneficial for so many aspects of life, from disease and pain management, to sleep, to control of emotions.” – Amanda Chan


We tend to think that illness is produced by physical causes, disease, injury, viruses, bacteria, etc. But, many health problems are behavioral problems or have their origins in maladaptive behavior. This is evident in car accident injuries that are frequently due to behaviors, such as texting while driving, driving too fast or aggressively, or driving drunk. Other problematic behaviors are cigarette smoking, alcoholism, drug use, or unprotected sex. Problems can also be produced by lack of appropriate behavior such as sedentary lifestyle, not eating a healthy diet, not getting sufficient sleep or rest, or failing to take medications according to the physician’s orders. Additionally, behavioral issues can be subtle contributors to disease such as denying a problem and failing to see a physician timely or not washing hands. In fact, many modern health issues, costing the individual or society billions of dollars each year, and reducing longevity, are largely preventable. Hence, promoting healthy behaviors and eliminating unhealthy ones has the potential to markedly improve health.


Mindfulness training has been shown to promote health and improve illness. It appears to be associated with a number of factors that also promote health including emotion regulation, stress management, and immune function. Many of the improvements occur by changing health behaviors. This suggests that mindfulness may affect health indirectly through intermediaries, with mindfulness affecting an intermediary which in turn affects health behaviors which in turn affects health.


In today’s Research News article “Mindfulness facets, trait emotional intelligence, emotional distress, and multiple health behaviors: A serial two-mediator model.” See:

or see below

Jacobs and colleagues explore the role of emotional intelligence and stress management as intermediaries between mindfulness and health behaviors. They had a large group of occupational therapists complete a series of tests on-line and conducted sophisticated statistical analyses to determine mediation effects of emotional intelligence and stress management between four different facets of mindfulness, observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judging, and health behaviors.


They found that all of the mindfulness facets were significantly associated with positive health behaviors. The observing facet was primarily associated directly with health behaviors while the mindfulness facets of acting with awareness and accepting without judging affected health behaviors indirectly by affecting emotional intelligence and stress management which in turn, improved health behavior. Hence, the effects of mindfulness on health behaviors is partially direct with observing and indirect through emotional intelligence and stress management for the acting with awareness and accepting without judging facets.


These results suggest that observing, being able to notice and pay attention to internal and external occurrences, allow the individual to be better able to change their health behavior. Perhaps, being more aware of the effects of behavior on the body, the condition of the body, and the links to external conditions is helpful in motivating behavioral change. In other words, improved awareness of what the individual is doing and its consequences produces positive change in what the individual does.


Emotional intelligence involves being able to experience emotions fully without judging them. The mindfulness facet of accepting involves “being nonjudgmental and allowing the experienced

phenomena to be as they are without attempting to avoid, change or eliminate them.” Hence, mindfully accepting emotions is itself a component of emotional intelligence. In addition, emotional intelligence involves acting appropriately and adaptively in response to the emotions. This includes acting with awareness. Hence, the mindfulness facet of acting with awareness would be directly linked to emotional intelligence. In turn, emotional intelligence would allow for a more rational and adaptive response to our situation which would include promoting health behavior. So, the ability of mindfulness to produce positive health behaviors occurs in part directly and in part through its relationship with emotional intelligence.


The most important message here is that mindfulness can contribute greatly to your health. It improves your behavior to take better care of your health and it also improves the way you deal with your emotions making you better able to cope with the stresses of everyday life, improving your health. So, increase health behaviors with mindfulness.


“people who have battled with health problems for years find relief through accepting and working with their condition in a new way, dropping the desperate struggle to make things different from how they are. Mindfulness training makes it possible for a different kind of healing to take place, creating an open space of awareness from which people can start choosing to live well, as best they can, even with a serious illness.” – Line Goguen-Hughes


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies



Study Summary

Jacobs, I., Wollny, A., Sim, C.-W. & Horsch, A. (2016). Mindfulness facets, trait emotional intelligence, emotional distress, and multiple health behaviors: A serial two-mediator model. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology



In the present study, we tested a serial mindfulness facets-trait emotional intelligence (TEI)-emotional distress-multiple health behaviors mediation model in a sample of N = 427 German-speaking occupational therapists. The mindfulness facets-TEI-emotional distress section of the mediation model revealed partial mediation for the mindfulness facets Act with awareness (Act/Aware) and Accept without judgment (Accept); inconsistent mediation was found for the Describe facet. The serial two-mediator model included three mediational pathways that may link each of the four mindfulness facets with multiple health behaviors. Eight out of 12 indirect effects reached significance and fully mediated the links between Act/Aware and Describe to multiple health behaviors; partial mediation was found for Accept. The mindfulness facet Observe was most relevant for multiple health behaviors, but its relation was not amenable to mediation. Implications of the findings will be discussed.


Promote Adaptive Emotions with Mindfulness

Promote Adaptive Emotions with Mindfulness


By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“Mindfulness allows us to watch our thoughts, see how one thought leads to the next, decide if we’re heading toward an unhealthy path, and if so, let go and change directions. It allows us to see that who we are is much more than a fearful or envious or angry thought. We can rest in the awareness of the thought, in the compassion we extend to ourselves if the thought makes us uncomfortable, and in the balance and good sense we summon as we decide whether and how to act on the thought.” – Upaya Zen Center


Mindfulness is associated with the health and well-being of the individual. It affects a strikingly wide variety of physical and mental capacities and conditions, from cognitive process, to emotions, to stress, to disease states, to mental health, etc. Its effects are so widespread and diverse that it would seem unlikely that mindfulness would directly affect each individual process or state. It is more likely that mindfulness works through intermediaries. That is, it has direct effects on a few processes that in turn have influences on even more processes. This would suggest that many of the effects of mindfulness are indirect.


One possibility for an intermediary is coping style. Mindfulness has been shown to heighten adaptive coping. This is a form of coping with stresses in which the individual does not personalize it but looks directly at its environmental causes and addresses them directly. Mindfulness has also been shown to reduce maladaptive coping such as avoidant coping, where the individual does not directly confront the stress but rather turns away from, ignore, or escape from stress. This form of coping does not adequately address the stress which can reemerge in the future.


Mindfulness has also been shown to improve emotion regulation, such that the individual fully experiences emotions but reacts appropriately and adaptively to them. Emotion regulation, then, involves coping with the emotion adaptively. It would seem logical then that the improved emotion regulation that occurs with mindfulness may be a secondary effect of the effect of mindfulness on adaptive and maladaptive coping. So, improved emotion regulation may be the result of the improved adaptive coping or less maladaptive coping produced by mindfulness.


Emotions are quite complex and dynamic. They can be considered as reasonably stable traits that characterize and individual. But, emotions also vary from moment to moment and different individuals have different patterns of emotional variation over the course of the day. Some people have highly variable emotions that show frequent changes over the day, while some people tend to have more stable emotions that don’t change much, called emotional inertia, while some people have great instability in their emotions, changing wildly from moment to moment, and some people switch back and forth between positive and negative emotional states frequently over the day. To date the effect of mindfulness on these aspects of dynamic daily emotions has not been investigated, nor their relationships to coping styles.


In today’s Research News article “Riding the Tide of Emotions with Mindfulness: Mindfulness, Affect Dynamics, and the Mediating Role of Coping.” See:

or see below

Keng and Tong address these questions. They measured trait mindfulness, coping styles, positive and negative affect, self-esteem, depression, openness, and habitual reappraisal and suppression. They also acquired reports of the emotional states of participants at 19 different points a day for 2 days from which they calculated the individual’s emotional variability, inertia, instability, and switching.


Keng and Tong found the higher the levels of trait mindfulness, the lower the levels of emotional variability, instability, and inertia. High mindfulness people were also more likely to switch from feeling negatively in the morning to feeling positively in the afternoon. These relationships with mindfulness were not due to positive and negative affect, self-esteem, depression, openness, and habitual reappraisal and suppression. So highly mindful people tend to have less variability in their emotions, but also less inertia being able to change emotions when appropriate. They were also less likely to have unstable, wildly varying emotions and be more likely to switch from a negative to a positive emotional state. Hence mindfulness appears to produce less variable and unstable emotions that are better attuned to the events of the day and more likely to become positive.


Keng and Tong also found that maladaptive coping meditated these effects. Highly mindful people were less likely to use maladaptive coping strategies in their emotional reactivity to daily stressors. Interestingly adaptive coping styles did not mediate these effects. These results suggest that mindfulness does not affect emotional well-being by producing adaptive coping styles, but rather by interfering with maladaptive styles. Thus mindfulness makes it less likely that the individual will use ineffective maladaptive coping with stress and thereby have higher emotional wellbeing.


The most important message here is that mindfulness improves your emotional life and makes you less likely to cope with your emotions in such a way as to make matters worse. It doesn’t change your life, just how you experience and deal with your emotions and this make life better. So, promote adaptive emotions with mindfulness.


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


“The next time you sense a strong emotion, take some time to put a finger on exactly what you’re feeling. Get quiet, turn inward, and just listen.” – Lisa Nichols


Study Summary


Keng, S., & Tong, E. W. (2016). Riding the Tide of Emotions with Mindfulness: Mindfulness, Affect Dynamics, and the Mediating Role of Coping. Emotion, doi:10.1037/emo0000165



Little research has examined ways in which mindfulness is associated with affect dynamics, referring to patterns of affect fluctuations in daily life. Using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), the present study examined the associations between trait mindfulness and several types of affect dynamics, namely affect variability, affect inertia, affect switch, and affect instability. Three hundred ninety undergraduate students from Singapore reported their current emotions and coping styles up to 19 times per day across 2 days. Results showed that trait mindfulness correlated negatively with variability, instability, and inertia of negative affect and positively with negative-to-positive affect switch. These relationships were independent of openness, habitual reappraisal, habitual suppression, depression, and self-esteem. Importantly, lower maladaptive coping was found to mediate these relationships. The study suggests that trait mindfulness independently promotes adaptive patterns of affective experiences in daily life by inhibiting maladaptive coping styles.


The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Livelihood

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D/


“Given that almost everyone’s life includes an economic dimension, work and career need to be integrated into life as a Buddhist. Most of us spend the majority of their waking lives at work, so it’s important to assess how our work affects our mind and heart. How can work become meaningful? How can it be a support not a hindrance to spiritual practice — a place to deepen our awareness and kindness?” – Sangharakshita


Most people need work to earn a living to support themselves and a family. For most, this is not a choice, it is a necessity for survival. But, what we do to make that living can be a choice and the nature of the occupation chosen can have a major impact on the psychological and spiritual development of the individual. The Buddha’s notion of “Right Livelihood” emphasizes the nature and importance of this choice.


Unless you’re a hermit, making a living is a social endeavor. It involves an array of people and it impacts on many others. A manager of a grocery store has to hire and coordinate the activities of many employees, has to work with upper management, suppliers, government regulators including the health department, and has to interact with customers. The manager’s activity impacts a wide array of people. This will also be true for most of us in our work. So, again the choice of occupation can have far reaching effects, not only on the individual, but on a wide network of interconnected people. Positive and/or negative effects of our occupation can thereby have many direct and indirect effects on our happiness and well-being as the effects on others feedback and affect ourselves.


“Right Livelihood” is the fifth component of the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path, Right View, Right Intentions, Right Speech, Right Actions, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.” “Right Livelihood” is actually a subcategory of “Right Action”, but is so important that it like speech is singled out for its own step on the path. It’s particularly important because of its cascading impact on others. What we do and how we do it can make important contributions to the well-being of many or it may produce widespread harm. Having an occupation that produces good and doesn’t produce harm is as important to our own spiritual development as can be to the well-being of others.


The notion of “Right Livelihood” mandates that we should engage in an occupation that not only earns us a living but also creates greater happiness, wisdom, and well-being, and relieves suffering in ourselves and others. Conversely, we should avoid occupations that produce harm. The notion of “Right Livelihood” doesn’t discourage earning profits and accumulating wealth. It simply indicates that it must be done in the right way. It indicates that we should acquire wealth only by legal means, peacefully, without coercion or violence; we should acquire it honestly, not by trickery or deceit; and we should acquire it in ways which do not entail harm and suffering for others. This means that in performing our work we should fulfil our duties diligently and conscientiously, not wasting or misrepresenting the hours worked, or stealing, we should pay due respect and consideration to employers, employees, colleagues, and customers, and we should engage in business transactions truthfully without deceptive advertising, misrepresentations, or dishonesty.


In the choice of occupations to pursue there are some obvious jobs to aspire to. These are occupations that on their face create good and promote well-being. They include professions such as physician, social worker, peace negotiator, relief worker, therapist, etc. Of course, even these occupations can cause harm, as mistakes can and do happen, but the intent is to relieve suffering, and that’s what counts. Similarly, there are occupations that rather obviously create harm and should be avoided, such as drug dealer, arms merchant, professional criminal, etc.


Most occupations, unfortunately, are not so obviously good or harmful. Many can have harmful effects, not by immediate actions, but indirectly. For example, working as an accountant for a cigarette manufacture. Accounting is not itself harmful, but in this case would contribute to the distribution of a product that has been demonstrated to be harmful to people’s health. But, most occupations are even trickier to evaluate. Working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico produces a product, energy, that is needed for the well-being of virtually everyone. Without affordable energy, every aspect of the economy would collapse. So, working on the oil rig could be seen as promoting well-being and relieving suffering. On the other hand, there is potential for great environmental harm, including oil spills that directly pollute sensitive environments, or contributing to carbon dioxide emissions that can indirectly create great harm by contributing to global warming.


So should someone on the eightfold path accept or reject a job working on an oil rig? The answer cannot be given by anyone other than the individual themselves. It is imperative that the individual look deeply and objectively at what they’re doing and determine for themselves if they are doing more harm than good. On the eightfold path, the primary spiritual impact of “Right Livelihood” is on the individual engaging in the occupation. So, the decision has to be theirs. That is not to say that experts or friends can’t or shouldn’t be consulted, but that ultimately the individual must decide for themselves and be willing to accept the potential consequences.


Is it “Right Livelihood” to raise cattle, or chickens for consumption, to be a butcher, or sell animal products? At the surface this might seem simple as it involves the destruction of sentient beings which should be avoided. But, like everything, it’s sometimes not so simple. Firstly, killing out in self-defense is regrettable and should be avoided however possible, but if necessary is not a problem. In fact, there is a long history of lethal self-defense techniques being taught and practiced at some Buddhist monasteries. Killing and eating meat might be seen as self-defense and when other foods are not available for sustenance it’s defensible. In fact, the Buddha and his followers occasionally ate meat and taught that once killed animal products should not be wasted. But, in general, for most people in affluent situations, being involved in the raising, slaughtering, and distribution of animals would not be considered “Right Livelihood.” It may well have negative consequences on the individual and others.


In my own career, before I started on the eightfold path, I engaged in research projects using animals. At the time, it seemed to be a noble endeavor, increasing scientific knowledge for the good. But, I believe that I was harmed by this. I now look back with deep regret and guilt that I was responsible for the deaths of literally hundreds of animals. It doesn’t matter that they were lab rats. They were beings who should not have been used and harmed for my own selfish reasons to advance my scientific career. I remember those days long ago vividly and feel terrible that I could have created so much harm. It is something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I paid and am paying the consequences on violating “Right Livelihood.”


We spend so much of our lives at work, that the choice of the wrong occupation can be a major impediment to our spiritual growth. Conversely, the choice of the right occupation can be a major asset. It can create greater happiness, wisdom, and well-being, and relieve suffering in ourselves and others. This is a major step on our spiritual path. So, engage in “Right Livelihood” and move forward toward enlightenment.


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


“A lay follower should not engage in five types of business. Which five? Business in weapons, business in human beings, business in meat, business in intoxicants, and business in poison.” – Buddha

Reduce Pain by Accepting it Mindfully

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“They were able to have a sense of personal control over their migraines. It really makes us wonder if an intervention like meditation can change the way people interpret their pain.” – Rebecca Erwin Wells


Headaches are the most common disorders of the nervous system. It has been estimated that 47% of the adult population have a headache at least once during the last year. The most common type of headache is the tension headache with 80 to 90 percent of the population suffering from tension headaches at least some time in their lives. The second most common type of headache is the migraine headache. Around 16 to 17 percent of the population complains of migraines. It is the 8th most disabling illness in the world with more than 90% of sufferers unable to work or function normally during their migraine. American employers lose more than $13 billion each year as a result of 113 million lost work days due to migraine.


There are a wide variety of drugs that are prescribed for chronic headache pain with varying success. Most tension headaches can be helped by taking pain relievers such as aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen. A number of medications can help treat and prevent migraines and tension headaches, including ergotamine, blood pressure drugs such as propranolol, verapamil, antidepressants, antiseizure drugs, and muscle relaxants. Drugs, however, can have some problematic side effects particularly when used regularly and are ineffective for many sufferers. So, almost all practitioners consider lifestyle changes that help control stress and promote regular exercise to be an important part of headache treatment and prevention. Avoiding situations that trigger headaches is also vital.


Mindfulness training has been shown to be an effective treatment for headache pain. Some of the effects of mindfulness practices are to alter thought processes, changing what is thought about. In terms of pain, mindfulness training, by focusing attention on the present moment has been shown to reduce worry and catastrophizing. Pain is increased by worry about the pain and the expectation of greater pain in the future. So, reducing worry and catastrophizing can reduce headache pain. In addition, mindfulness improves self-efficacy, the belief that the individual can adapt to and handle headache pain. In addition, mindfulness training also has been shown to alter not only what is thought, but also how thoughts are processed. Central to this cognitive change is mindfulness and acceptance. By mindfully viewing pain as a present moment experience it can be experienced just as it is and by accepting it, the individual stops fighting against the pain which can amplify the pain.


It is not known whether it is the changes in the what or how, or both, of thoughts that is responsible for mindfulness training’s efficacy in treating headache pain. In today’s Research News article “The mediating role of pain acceptance during mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for headache.” See:

or see below

Day and Thorn investigate this question. They randomly assigned headache patients to receive either 8-weeks of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) or treatment as usual as a wait-list control condition. Before and again after treatment measurements were obtained of pain, pain acceptance, pain catastrophizing, and pain self-efficacy.


They found, as has previously been shown, that the MBCT training significantly reduced the level of pain and pain catastrophizing, and increased the levels of pain self-efficacy and pain acceptance. Day and Thorn then went on to use a sophisticated statistical technique to assess whether the change in pain produced by mindfulness training was due to the changes in the what or how about thinking. They found that only the how aspect of thought, pain acceptance, significantly mediated the effect. Neither of the what aspects of thought, pain catastrophizing nor pain self-efficacy, were significantly related to the mindfulness training effects on pain.


These results are very interesting and potentially important. They suggest that mindfulness training reduces headache pain by altering how pain is thought about, increasing acceptance of the pain. Acceptance is defined as the “conscious willingness to stay in direct contact with experience.” This may operate by reducing the individual’s attempts to counteract the pain. Since, fighting against the pain can actually increase the level of pain, accepting the pain interferes with this amplifying process, thus lowering the pain level experienced. It is interesting that neither the pain catastrophizing nor pain self-efficacy were significant mediators as they have long been thought to be important mechanisms of mindfulness’ effectiveness for pain management. But, it is clear that how pain is thought about, in particular, the acceptance of pain, is the key.


So, reduce pain by accepting it mindfully.


“Awareness transforms emotional pain just as it transforms the pain that we attribute more to the domain of body sensations. When we are immersed in emotional pain, if we pay close attention, we will notice that there is always an overlay of thoughts and a plethora of different feelings about the pain we are in, so here too the entire constellation of what we think of as emotional pain can be welcomed in and held in awareness.”Jon Kabat-Zinn


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


Study Summary


Day MA, Thorn BE. The mediating role of pain acceptance during mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for headache. Complement Ther Med. 2016 Apr;25:51-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2016.01.002. Epub 2016 Jan 13.



  • Pain acceptance was a significant mediator of the MBCT-pain interference relation.
  • Specifically, activity engagement emerged as the critical component of acceptance.
  • Pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy did not meet criteria for mediation.
  • This is the first study to show acceptance is a key mediator of MBCT for headache.


Objectives: This study aimed to determine if mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) engenders improvement in headache outcomes via the mechanisms specified by theory: (1) change in psychological process, (i.e., pain acceptance); and concurrently (2) change in cognitive content, (i.e., pain catastrophizing; headache management self-efficacy).

Design: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial comparing MBCT to a medical treatment as usual, delayed treatment (DT) control was conducted. Participants were individuals with headache pain who completed MBCT or DT (N = 24) at the Kilgo Headache Clinic or psychology clinic. Standardized measures of the primary outcome (pain interference) and proposed mediators were administered at pre- and post-treatment; change scores were calculated. Bootstrap mediation models were conducted.

Results: Pain acceptance emerged as a significant mediator of the group-interference relation (p < .05). Mediation models examining acceptance subscales showed nuances in this effect, with activity engagement emerging as a significant mediator (p < .05), but pain willingness not meeting criteria for mediation due to a non-significant pathway from the mediator to outcome. Criteria for mediation was also not met for the catastrophizing or self-efficacy models as neither of these variables significantly predicted pain interference.

Conclusions: Pain acceptance, and specifically engagement in valued activities despite pain, may be a key mechanism underlying improvement in pain outcome during a MBCT for headache pain intervention. The theorized mediating role of cognitive content factors was not supported in this preliminary study. A large, definitive trial is warranted to replicate and extend the findings in order to streamline and optimize MBCT for headache.


Biomarkers Predict Mindfulness’ Effectiveness for Caregivers

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“mindfulness isn’t just a technique to cope with the stress; it’s a way to fully embrace one’s role as a caretaker, living in the present moment with joy and appreciation, no matter what that moment may bring.” – Elisabeth Dykens


There are many characteristics that all human being have in common, but there are also huge individual differences. Virtually everything about us is to some extent unique, including experiences, and physical and psychological characteristics. There is no other face exactly like ours. There is no other brain exactly like ours. There is no other mind exactly like ours. There is no other mind exactly like ours. There is no other personality exactly like ours. These differences are wonderful and define our individuality and uniqueness. There has never been nor will there ever be anyone exactly like you.


This uniqueness extends to our reactions to environmental and physical events and even extends to our responses to treatments. One of the most exciting trends in modern medicine is individualized medicine. It has been realized that people respond differently to treatments. The same drug, procedure, or therapy that cures one person will have negligible effects on another, and may harm yet another. So, tailoring the treatment to the individual can maximize effectiveness. In order to do this predictors, biomarkers, are needed. These are measurable characteristic that predict that a certain treatment will be effective for that person. So cancer treatment now includes genetic analysis looking for particular genes that predict that an individual will respond to one treatment rather than another.


Mindfulness training has been shown to be an effective treatment for a myriad of psychological and physical conditions, including the psychological and physical problems that develop while providing care for an Alzheimer’s patient. But, this effectiveness is “on average.” While many people are helped, some are not, and some even get worse. In order to improve the effectiveness of mindfulness training it would be helpful to identify who is likely to respond positively and who is not. To do this, predictors, markers, of responsiveness are needed. To date, there have been few studies that attempt to identify predictors, markers, of responsivity to mindfulness training.


In today’s Research News article “Biomarkers of Resilience in Stress Reduction for Caregivers of Alzheimer’s Patients.” See:

or below

Ho and colleagues took blood samples from non-professional adult caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients prior to and after an 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training. They found, confirming the majority of findings in the research literature, that the MBSR course produce significant increases in the mindfulness and the psychological health of the caregivers. In addition, they found that the greater then increase in mindfulness, the greater the improvements in psychological health.


Ho and colleagues also found considerable individual differences in the degree of improvement. They then separated the caregivers in three groups based upon the amount of benefit in psychological health obtained from the MBSR training; poor, moderate, and good responders. They used measures of gene expressions in these three groups to investigate potential predictors of responsiveness to MBSR training. They found that genes associated with the modulation of the inflammatory response, stress responses, and depression were highly expresses in caregivers who responded to MBSR training.


These results are not surprising as mindfulness training has been previously shown to improve the inflammatory response, stress responses, and depression. Unfortunately, these results do not demonstrate cause and effect. It is equally likely that the improved psychological health produced the changes in gene expression as it is that the changes in gene expression produced the improvements in psychological health, or that some third factor might be responsible for both.


To look for possible causal factors, they then looked at gene expressions present before the MBSR training in the various groups. They found that expressions of genes prior to treatment that modulate the immune system and the insulin system were predictive of positive responses to treatment. It has previously been shown that mindfulness training produces improvements in the immune system. But, it has not been previously demonstrated that the state of the immune system prior to mindfulness training would be associated with positive outcomes.


These are fascinating results and again demonstrate the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training for caregivers. But, importantly, the study identifies biomarkers, gene expressions, that predict the individual’s likelihood of having positive improvements in psychological health produced by MBSR training. Caregivers who showed heightened expressions in genes that improve the immune system were those that obtained the greatest benefit. It will require future research to identify how heightened immune system activity might be responsible for MBSR effectiveness.


Regardless, the study demonstrates that biomarkers predict mindfulness’ effectiveness for caregivers. This suggests that it may be possible in the future to tailor mindfulness training based upon individual differences in gene expression, maximizing the effectiveness of the therapy.




“I have discovered that it isn’t so much about what I did or did not say or do that was key to pass on to professionals and family members — it was more about the way in which I was being with the persons who have dementia that seemed important to communicate. […] Each person with dementia has taught me the importance of relaxing into being in the present moment. That moment may be perceived by her to be in a different place or time, but it is her very real and present moment.” –  Nancy Pearce


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


Study Summary


Ho L, Bloom PA, Vega JG, Yemul S, Zhao W, Ward L, Savage E, Rooney R, Patel DH, Pasinetti GM. Biomarkers of Resilience in Stress Reduction for Caregivers of Alzheimer’s Patients. Neuromolecular Med. 2016 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26984114



Caregiving for a dementia patient is associated with increased risk of psychological and physical health problems. We investigated whether a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) training course for caregivers that closely models the MBSR curriculum originally established by the Center of Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts may improve the psychological resilience of non-professional caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Twenty adult non-professional caregivers of dementia patients participated in an 8-week MBSR training course. Caregiver stress, depression, burden, grief, and gene expression profiles of blood mononuclear cells were assessed at baseline and following MBSR. MBSR training significantly improved the psychological resilience of some of the caregivers. We identified predictive biomarkers whose expression is associated with the likelihood of caregivers to benefit from MBSR, and biomarkers whose expression is associated with MBSR psychological benefits. Our biomarker studies provide insight into the mechanisms of health benefits of MBSR and a basis for developing a personalized medicine approach for applying MBSR for promoting psychological and cognitive resilience in caregivers of dementia patients.


Cope with Violence Trauma with Mindfulness

By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“People with PTSD ruminate, and rumination is all about not being present. It’s all about focusing on something terrible that happened in the past or something frightening that will happen in the future, so these patients are stuck in a rut. My personal bias is that mindfulness-based therapy has a big effect on rumination, and decreasing rumination allows people to experience the present moment, which expands their awareness of different possibilities and increases their ability to pay attention to things they have avoided in the past,” – Anthony King


Experiencing trauma is quite common. It has been estimated that 60% of men and 50% of women will experience a significant traumatic event during their lifetime. Many, but, only a fraction will develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). But this still results in a frightening number of people with 7%-8% of the population developing PTSD at some point in their life.


PTSD can be produced by traumatic events occurring to anyone in a variety of different contexts. These include interpersonal violence (IPV). It is defined “as the intentional use of physical or sexual violence against another person within the context of a relationship. This includes physical or sexual violence committed by a family member, intimate partner, friend, or acquaintance.” A frequent form of IPV is intimate partner violence. Indeed, 27% of women and 11% of men have reported that they had been harmed by sexual or physical violence at some time during their lives.


PTSD involves a number of troubling symptoms including reliving the event with the same fear and horror in nightmares or with a flashback. PTSD sufferers avoid situations that remind them of the event this may include crowds, driving, movies, etc. and may avoid seeking help because it keeps them from having to think or talk about the event. They often experience negative changes in beliefs and feelings including difficulty experiencing positive or loving feelings toward other people, avoiding relationships, memory difficulties, or see the world as dangerous and no one can be trusted. Sufferers may feel hyperarousal, feeling keyed up and jittery, or always alert and on the lookout for danger. They may experience sudden anger or irritability, may have a hard time sleeping or concentrating, may be startled by a loud noise or surprise.


Obviously, these are serious and troubling symptoms that need to be addressed. There are a number of therapies that have been developed to treat PTSD. One of which, mindfulness training has been found to be particularly effective. In today’s Research News article “Trauma-Informed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Female Survivors of Interpersonal Violence: Results from a Stage I RCT.” See:

or below

Kelly and Garland randomly assigned adult female survivors of interpersonal violence (IPV) to either an 8-week mindfulness training or wait-list control condition. The intervention was a form of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) that was modified for treatment with trauma survivors.


They found that the treatment produced a clinically significant decrease in PTSD symptoms to the point where a significant number of participants could no longer be classified as PTSD sufferers. The more the participant practiced the mindfulness training the greater the reduction in PTSD symptoms. There were also significant decreases in the mindfulness group in depression and anxious attachment. Anxious attachment is a symptom of PTSD that involves “vacillating between attempts to draw in significant others with endearing attention-seeking behaviors and attempts to attract attention through emotional outbursts of crying or anger.” Reducing anxious attachment allows the sufferer to conduct much healthier interpersonal relationships.


These are very promising results that suggest that the modified form of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a safe and effective treatment for PTSD caused by interpersonal violence (IPV). It is not known how mindfulness training could be so effective for PTSD. It can be speculated that the improvement in present moment awareness might have helped by focusing on the individual on the present rather than the past when the trauma occurred and by reducing rumination about the past. In addition, mindfulness training is known to improve emotion regulation and this may allow the PTSD sufferers to not avoid but fully experience the emotions and then respond to them in a constructive fashion. Finally, mindfulness training is known to reduce the physiological and psychological responses to stress. This lowered stress levels may reduce the intensity of their response to memories of the trauma, allowing the individual to be able to internally address the events directly.


Regardless of the mechanism, it is clear that mindfulness training is an effective treatment for PTSD symptoms caused by interpersonal violence (IPV). So, cope with violence trauma with mindfulness.


“Mindfulness-based stress reduction teaches individuals to attend to the present moment, to attend to what they are experiencing — their thoughts, their feelings — in a nonjudgmental, accepting manner. We think that teaching people these mindfulness skills helps them to have a different relationship with their PTSD symptoms — a willingness to let thoughts be there without trying to push them away,” -Melissa Polusny


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


Study Summary

Kelly, A. and Garland, E. L. (2016), Trauma-Informed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Female Survivors of Interpersonal Violence: Results From a Stage I RCT. J. Clin. Psychol., 72: 311–328. doi:10.1002/jclp.22273



OBJECTIVE: This pilot randomized controlled trial evaluated a novel trauma-informed model of mindfulness-based stress reduction (TI-MBSR) as a phase I trauma intervention for female survivors of interpersonal violence (IPV).

METHOD: A community-based sample of women (mean age = 41.5, standard deviation = 14.6) with a history of IPV was randomly assigned to an 8-week TI-MBSR intervention (n = 23) or a waitlist control group (n = 22). Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression as well as anxious and avoidant attachment were assessed pre- and postintervention.

RESULTS: Relative to the control group, participation in TI-MBSR was associated with statistically and clinically significant decreases in PTSD and depressive symptoms and significant reductions in anxious attachment. Retention in the intervention was high, with most participants completing at least 5 of the 8 sessions for the intervention. Minutes of mindfulness practice per week significantly predicted reductions in PTSD symptoms.

CONCLUSION: TI-MBSR appears to be a promising and feasible phase I intervention for female survivors of interpersonal trauma.


Recover from Work with Mindfulness


By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“All this data suggest mindfulness has real impactful changes on our minds and bodies. And it’s helped make mindfulness more kosher with the corporate world, where it might’ve previously been considered new-agey. Mindful workers report higher levels of happiness and productivity” – David Gelles


We spend approximately 25% of our adult lives at work. How we spend that time is immensely important for our overall well-being, including our psychological and physical health. Indeed, the work environment has even become an important part of our social lives, with friendships and leisure time activities often attached to the work environment. But, more than half of employees in the U.S. and nearly 2/3 worldwide are unhappy at work. This is primarily due to the fact that stress is epidemic in the workplace. A recent Harris poll found that 80 percent of workers feel stressed about one or more things in the workplace. This stress can lead to physical and psychological problems for managers and employees, including fatigue, sleep problems, depression, absenteeism, lower productivity, lower job satisfaction, and personal and professional burnout. Indeed, 46.4% of employees, report having psychological distress.


Mindfulness training of employees is a potential help with work related stress. It has been shown to reduce the psychological and physical reactions to stress overall and particularly in the workplace and to reduce burnout. A problem in implementing mindfulness programs in the workplace is the time required for the training. This makes many managers reticent to try it. So, it is important to develop programs that do not seriously impact on work time. A potential solution is to train mindfulness on-line. This is feasible as mindfulness training over the internet has been found to be effective for anxiety depression.


In today’s Research News article “Internet-Based Instructor-Led Mindfulness for Work-Related Rumination, Fatigue, and Sleep: Assessing Facets of Mindfulness as Mechanisms of Change. A Randomized Waitlist Control Trial.” See:

or see below

Querstret and colleagues randomly assigned full-time working adults to either receive a 4-week internet based mindfulness training or as a wait-list control. The mindfulness training was conducted on-line interactively led by experienced mindfulness instructors and was composed of elements from Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).


They found that the mindfulness training produced a significant increase in the mindfulness facets of acting with awareness, non-judging, and describing. Recovery from work was also significantly impacted by the mindfulness training with lower levels of emotional rumination and rumination after work about work-related issues, and lower levels of acute and chronic fatigue, and higher levels of sleep quality. These improvements were maintained 3 and 6 months following the end of mindfulness training. Finally, they found that the mindfulness training had its effects by altering the acting with awareness facet of mindfulness which, in turn, affected the work recovery variables.


These results demonstrate that an on-line mindfulness training program can have large and sustained effects on work-related problems. The fact that the program was conducted on-line is significant as these programs can be conducted without taking time away from work. This is important to employers and makes it more likely that such a program will be adopted.


It is interesting that the program appeared to work by affecting acting with awareness. This suggests that working with awareness is a key. By staying focused on their work tasks in the present moment the individual may be better able to perform them and thereby reduce stress and its consequent effects on after-work psychological processes. It is also known that mindfulness programs by themselves can lower the psychological and physiological effects of stress and improve emotion regulation, allowing the worker to experience their emotions but act adaptively in response to them. All of these effects of mindfulness training may add together to markedly improve the workers’ recovery from the stress of work.


So, recover from work with mindfulness.


“In this age of constant distractions and long hours, it’s difficult to find even a few minutes of time to reflect. Yet finding that time and space can help ease the stresses of your demanding working life.” -Peter Jaret


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


Study Summary

Querstret, D., Cropley, M., & Fife-Schaw, C. (2016, April 7). Internet-Based Instructor-Led Mindfulness for Work-Related Rumination, Fatigue, and Sleep: Assessing Facets of Mindfulness as Mechanisms of Change. A Randomized Waitlist Control Trial. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Advance online publication.


This study aimed to extend our theoretical understanding of how mindfulness-based interventions exert their positive influence on measures of occupational health. Employing a randomized waitlist control study design, we sought to (a) assess an Internet-based instructor-led mindfulness intervention for its effect on key factors associated with “recovery from work,” specifically, work-related rumination, fatigue, and sleep quality; (b) assess different facets of mindfulness (acting with awareness, describing, nonjudging, and nonreacting) as mechanisms of change; and (c) assess whether the effect of the intervention was maintained over time by following up our participants after 3 and 6 months. Participants who completed the mindfulness intervention (n 60) reported significantly lower levels of work-related rumination and fatigue, and significantly higher levels of sleep quality, when compared with waitlist control participants (n 58). Effects of the intervention were maintained at 3- and 6-month follow-up with medium to large effect sizes. The effect of the intervention was primarily explained by increased levels of only 1 facet of mindfulness (acting with awareness). This study provides support for online mindfulness interventions to aid recovery from work and furthers our understanding with regard to how mindfulness interventions exert their positive effects.


Control Problem Gambling with CBT and Mindfulness


By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“Whether you bet on sports, scratch cards, roulette, poker, or slots—in a casino, at the track, or online—problem gambling can strain relationships, interfere with work, and lead to financial catastrophe. You may even do things you never thought you would, like stealing money to gamble or pay debts.”


People love to gamble! They wager on everything from sports, to politics, to personal achievements, to even random outcomes, like slot machines of lotteries. It can be great fun, adding zest to otherwise mundane days or routine athletic competitions. It can be part of personal bonding with friends as in an ongoing poker game. A good bet can even be used to motivate someone to stop smoking, lose weight, or support a charity. In fact, over 80% of all Americans wager on at least a yearly basis and 15% gamble every week. In and of itself there is nothing wrong with gambling.


But, for 3% to 5% of people who gamble, it becomes a major problem. There are about 6 million Americans who are problem gamblers. They gamble money they can ill afford to lose and it becomes an obsession and an addiction. When this happens, it can wreak havoc with a person’s life, ruining careers, relationships, families, credit, and even physical and mental health. Indeed, on average about half of people with gambling addictions commit crimes to support their addiction and the majority of people in prison have a gambling problem.


There are a wide variety of treatments for problem gambling including psychotherapies, 12-step programs, medication, support groups, etc. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been particularly effective. Recently, mindfulness has been added to produce Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). This has been found to be effective in treating a range of addictions.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy attempts to teach patients to distinguish between thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors, and to recognize irrational thinking styles and how they affect behavior. These skills are particularly pertinent to problem gambling as there’s no physical basis like in other addictions. Rather, it is entirely driven by inappropriate thought processes and emotions.


In today’s Research News article “Treating Problem Gambling Samples with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Clinical Trial.” See:

or see below

McIntosh and colleagues randomly assigned problem gamblers to receive a 4-week program of either treatment as usual (TAU) which provided an individualized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), CBT using a standardized manual for gambling addiction, or Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). All groups, in addition, received an education package on problem gambling.


They found that all three treatments produced large and clinically significant improvements in problem gambling that persisted at 3 and 6 months after the end of treatment. They all improved patient quality of life and mindfulness, particularly the acting with awareness facet of mindfulness. They also found that the mindfulness group (MBCT) had additional improvements in rumination and thought suppression. Hence, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, whether individualized, standardized, or included mindfulness were successful in treating problem gambling. But, mindfulness training in addition to CBT had the added benefits of decreasing rumination and thought suppression, which are thought to add to the patient’s psychological distress.


These are exciting results. More than half of the problem gamblers no longer met the clinical standard as problem gamblers 6 months after treatment. They support the growing research evidence of the efficacy of CBT for problem gambling. They also suggest that adding mindfulness training to the package produces additional benefits that can help the gambler stop repetitively thinking about gambling (rumination) and to stop trying to suppress this thinking, rather bringing it to consciousness where it can be addressed. These two extra benefits may be helpful for preventing relapse.


So, control problem gambling with CBT and mindfulness.


“mindfulness focuses on the present and acceptance of oneself. Such an approach allows the practitioner to identify and deal with the gambling urge when it comes. Mindfulness also enables the practitioner to appreciate each moment, leaving less opportunity to think about or desire hitting the casino or racetrack.”


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


Study Summary

McIntosh CC, Crino RD, O’Neill K. Treating Problem Gambling Samples with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Interventions: A Clinical Trial. J Gambl Stud. 2016 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 27040973



The problem gambling (PG) intervention literature is characterised by a variety of psychological treatments and approaches, with varying levels of evidence (PGRTC in Guideline for screening, assessment and treatment in problem and pathological gambling. Monash University, Melbourne, 2011). A recent PG systematic review (Maynard et al. in Res Soc Work Pract, 2015. doi:10.1177/1049731515606977) and the success of mindfulness-based interventions to effectively treat disorders commonly comorbid with PG suggested mindfulness-based interventions may be effective for treating PG. The current study tested the effectiveness of three interventions to treat PGs: 1. case formulation driven Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT); 2. manualised CBT; and 3. mindfulness-based treatment. All three interventions tested returned large effect size improvements in PG behaviour after seven sessions (Cohen’s d range 1.46–2.01), at post-treatment and at 3 and 6-month follow-up. All of the interventions were rated as acceptable by participants at post-treatment. This study suggests that the mindfulness-based and TAU interventions used in the current study appear to be effective at reducing PG behavior and associated distress and they also appear to generalise to improvements in other measures such as quality of life-mental functioning and certain mindfulness facets more effectively than the manualised form of CBT utilised used here. Secondly, a brief mindfulness intervention delivered after psycho-education and a brief CBT intervention may be a useful supplement to traditional CBT treatments by addressing transdiagnostic processes such as rumination and thought suppression. Thirdly, CBT interventions continue to report effectiveness in reducing PG behaviour and associated distress consistent with the prevailing literature and clinical direction.


Help Cancer Treatment with Qigong


By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“Qigong is a viable and essential practice for enhancing everyday life, as well as an effective factor in mainstream health care.“ – Sifu Wong


Qigong has been practiced for thousands of years with benefits for health and longevity. Qigong training is designed to enhance function and regulate the activities of the body through regulated breathing, mindful concentration, and gentle movements. Only recently though have the effects of qigong practice been scrutinized with empirical research. It has been found to be effective for an array of physical and psychological issues. It appears to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and increase the number of cancer killing cells in the bloodstream. All of these effects suggest that Qigong may be effective for cancer survivors.


Modern medicine has improved markedly in treating cancer. But, the treatments themselves can be difficult on the patient and produce great discomfort and suffering. In addition, if the treatment is successful, the cancer survivor is left with a whole different set of challenges. Fatigue accompanies cancer and its treatment in from half to all cancer patients depending upon the type of cancer and treatment regimen. The fatigue can continue even after completion of successful treatment. The patient feels weak, tired, weary, or exhausted all of the time and sleep does not relieve the tiredness. Symptoms can include prolonged, extreme tiredness following an activity, arms and legs feeling heavy and hard to move, lack of engagement in normal daily activities, trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, or remembering, feeling frustrated, irritable, and upset, putting less energy into personal appearance, and spending more time in bed or sleeping. It is easy to confuse cancer-related fatigue with depression. The cause of cancer-related fatigue is unknown.


The best treatment for cancer-related fatigue appears to be encouragement to engage in moderate exercise along with relaxation and body awareness training. The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong has all of these properties. It’s a light exercise that produces relaxation and body awareness. So, it would seem reasonable to expect that Qigong practice would be effective in treating cancer patients.


In today’s Research News article “Qigong in cancer care: a systematic review and construct analysis of effective Qigong therapy.” See:

or see below

Klein and colleagues review the published research literature on the application of Qigong for the treatment of cancer patients. They report that a significant number of controlled studies report that Qigong has positive effects on the cancer-specific quality of life, improving the overall well-being of the patients. In this regard, it is effective for reducing fatigue, which by itself will improve quality of life. Importantly for fighting cancer, Qigong improves immune function, reduces the inflammatory response, and the stress levels of individuals with cancer, as referenced by decreased cortisol levels. These latter findings suggest that Qigong can not only improve the quality of life but also help in fighting the cancer itself.


These findings are very exciting. They suggest that Qigong practice may be a tremendous help in treating cancer and for the patients coping with the consequences of cancer and its treatment. Qigong is a light exercise as well as a mindfulness practice. Because of its gentle nature it is appropriate for individuals weakened by disease or for the elderly. The exercise component may be essential for improving the individual’s ability to fight cancer. The mindfulness component is also important as mindfulness practices, in general, have been found to be effective in improving health and fighting disease. So, the combination of gentle exercise along with mindfulness training suggests that Qigong is a potent mixture to assist cancer patients.


So, help cancer treatment with qigong.


“Qigong is clearly not for those who would like to take a pill and wait for the next instruction from the oncologist. But for anyone who has found their diagnosis has led them to a deeper enquiry into the subtler energetic levels of health and healing, this practice has a proven track record and can provide excellent results for those with the discipline for daily practice.” – Donatus Roobeek


CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies


Study Summary

Klein PJ, Schneider R, Rhoads CJ. Qigong in cancer care: a systematic review and construct analysis of effective Qigong therapy. Support Care Cancer. 2016 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print] Review.

PMID: 27044279



Purpose: This review (a) assesses the strength of evidence addressing Qigong therapy in supportive cancer care and (b) provides insights for definition of effective Qigong therapy in supportive cancer care.

Methods: This mixed-methods study includes (a) a systematic review of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) following PRISMA guidelines and (b) a constant-comparative qualitative analysis of effective intervention protocols.

Results: Eleven published randomized clinical trials were reviewed. A total of 831 individuals were studied. Geographic settings include the USA, Australia, China, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Qigong therapy was found to have positive effects on the cancer-specific QOL, fatigue, immune function, and cortisol levels of individuals with cancer. Qigong therapy protocols varied supporting a plurality of styles. Qualitative analyses identified common programming constructs. Content constructs included exercise (gentle, integrated, repetitious, flowing, weight-bearing movements), breath regulation, mindfulness and meditation, energy cultivation including self-massage, and emphasis on relaxation. Logistic constructs included delivery by qualified instructors, home practice, and accommodation for impaired activity tolerance.

Conclusions: There is global interest and a growing body of research providing evidence of therapeutic effect of Qigong therapy in supportive cancer care. While Qigong therapy protocols vary in style, construct commonalities do exist. Knowledge of the common constructs among effective programs revealed in this research may be used to guide future research intervention protocol and community programming design and development.


Mindful Motherhood

Mindful Motherhood


By John M. de Castro, Ph.D.


“There could not be a better time to learn mindfulness than during pregnancy and early motherhood. For one thing, this is a time when most people have a strong motivation to become the best person they can be in a relatively short period of time. When you realize the full enormity of the responsibility you have taken on by becoming a mom, the primary source of care for another whole human being, not to mention one that you love more than you thought you could ever love, there is a really high level of motivation to try your best to get yourself into the best mental and emotional shape possible.”Cassandra Vieten


Mothers’ Day was basically invented and promoted by the greeting card and florist industries. But, even though its origins were crass, the idea took off, because it hit upon a truth; that we all love our mothers. As a result, Mothers’ Day has become a culturally accepted and encouraged time for the celebration of motherhood and all that it means. The deep bonds and love that virtually everyone feels for their mothers and their mothers for them fuels the celebration of the holiday.


Motherhood is ubiquitous. Everyone has a mother, who in turn, has had a mother, who has had a mother, etc. Many are, or want to be mothers. It plays an immensely important role in our individual and societal existence. The bond that develops between mother and child is a beautiful, virtually unbreakable, thing, perhaps the strongest bond between individuals that exists. It is essential for ensuring the nurturance that is mandatory for the life of the virtually helpless infant and the development of the child. The effectiveness, or lack thereof, of mothering has a major impact on the offspring that continue throughout their lives. It is such an important role that it seems reasonable to explore what goes into successful mothering and child rearing and what might be of assistance in improving mothering. There has accumulated a tremendous amount of scientific evidence that mindfulness, (“awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally”) can be an important asset for mothers, from conception, to pregnancy, birth, nurturing the infant, and childrearing and the mindfulness of the child can be an important asset for its development. So, on this day celebrating motherhood, we’ll explore the role of mindfulness.


Mothering does not occur in a vacuum. It’s been said that “It takes a village” to rear a child. Indeed, motherhood is embedded in a community. There are many people who are either directly or indirectly involved, from the father, to the extended family, the community, the medical profession, teachers, clergy, social workers, childcare workers, and even the government. So relationships become an essential part of mothering from conception, to birth, and family and social life. Mindfulness has been found to be important to becoming a mother in the first place. Mindfulness makes the individual more attractive to the opposite sex, it improves sexual relationships, it helps to relieve infertility, and it improves relationships in general. All of which underscores the importance of mindfulness in improving the likelihood that conception will occur and that childbirth will be born into a supportive social context.


Mindfulness continues to be helpful during pregnancy. It can help to relieve the anxiety and depression that commonly accompany pregnancy and even appears to benefit the neurocognitive development of the infant. After birth mindfulness continues to be of assistance as it improves caregiving and parenting, even in the case where the child has developmental disabilities. Mindfulness not only helps the parents deal with the stresses of childrearing, but developing mindfulness in the child can be of great assistance to helping the kids develop emotionally and cognitively, develop high level thinking, develop healthy self-concepts, develop socially, deal with stress, and cope with trauma and childhood depression. It even improves the child’s psychosocial development and academic performance and grades in school. In addition, it seems to be able to assist children through the troubled times of adolescence.


It should be clear that mindfulness is an important component of motherhood. Why would this be so? There are a number of reasons that mindfulness helps. It reduces the psychological and physical effects of stress on the mother and let’s face it, pregnancy, birth, caring for infants and raising children can be quite stressful. Mindfulness also improves emotion regulation making the mother better able to be in touch with her emotions yet react to them adaptively and effectively. Mindfulness helps the mother maintain her health and well-being, and to recover quicker should she become ill. After all, mothers can’t take sick leave or take vacations.


The essential capacity developed in mindfulness training is paying much greater attention to what’s occurring in the present moment. This can be of immense help to the mother. It makes her better attuned to her child’s and to her own needs. It reduces rumination and recriminations about past mistakes. It tends to diminish the worry and anxiety about the future. It helps her to focus on what needs to be done now, making her much more effective. And it helps her to experience the joys of motherhood to their fullest. In general, by focusing on now, she is tuned into the only time that matters for herself or her child, improving her relationship with reality, dealing with its problems and relishing its wonders.


Hence, mindfulness can make mothering better, both for the mother, and the child. So, on this important day of celebration of mothers, let’s adopt mindfulness and make it a part of our relationship with our mothers and our children. We may all love our mothers but we love mindful mothers even more especially when we ourselves are mindful.


“For me, the program gave me the freedom to be the kind of mom I wanted to be, instead of just reacting automatically. I still have difficult moments, and can get stressed out, but the mindfulness helps me stay centered and stay connected to myself and my baby.”Cassandra Vieten



CMCS – Center for Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies