Meditation Practice is Perfect

Today's Meditation: Stay in Your Own Lane - Bare Bones Yoga

Meditation Practice is Perfect

John M. de Castro


“Sometimes we get the idea that there’s a best practice, a right practice, a most powerful practice. But different practices and different qualities or nuances of practice might be most appropriate for us at different times as our practice, understanding, and recognition of what’s helpful, needed, or skillful evolves.” – Martin Aylward


The human mind is always judgmental and critical. This has been a very good thing for our adaptation to the environment. It causes us to constantly analyze our experience and the results of our activities producing adjustments that improve the outcomes. This process is one of the key reasons why humans have learned to control and dominate our environment. But when applied to meditation practice it is counterproductive.


Being judgmental and critical regarding meditation practice is contrary to the nature of practice. The core practice of meditation involves seeing and accepting everything just as it is in the present moment. There is no need to analyze it. There is no need to criticize it. Indeed, there is no need to change it in any way. This includes the practice itself. It just is as it is. It just needs to be experienced and accepted. There is no such thing as good practice or bad practice. There is only practice as it is. There is no need to change it or try to improve it.


In meditation, if the mind wanders, there is no need to feel bad. It is just what experience is in that moment. There is no need to try to make the mind wander less. Just observe that the mind is wandering letting go of all judgment. If the mind is focused and calm, there is no need to feel good about it. There is no need to try to keep it up or stay focused. Just observe that the mind is focused and let go of all judgment.


In meditation no matter what transpires, the experience arises in awareness. Simply being aware of it is all that is needed. In fact, awareness in the present moment is all there is. There is nothing more to existence. In meditation, we amplify that experience of awareness allowing the mind to better see and accept it. But what the mind does and doesn’t do is irrelevant. Awareness simply is, regardless of the mind’s appreciation of it. So, there is no need to do things to make the mind better see it. That makes no difference. Awareness simply is. In fact, the mind’s activity is simply a part of what we’re aware of.


Awareness and the objects of awareness are not separate processes. Without objects of awareness there is no awareness. Conversely, without awareness there are no objects of awareness. They are one and the same thing. During meditation there is seeing, there is hearing, there is feeling, there are many sensory experiences. They do not just occur in awareness they are awareness itself. It is all one. Meditation is simply observing the co-arising of awareness and experience.


I often repeat during meditation “just be.” This is a reminder to not try to do or be anything, to not judge what is going on, to not criticize or analyze it, and to not try to alter it. Just be. In fact, the implicit speech of “just be” is also simply an object in awareness. It is not something to be acted upon. It is a means to keep the mind from interfering with experience.


So, relax and enjoy meditation, regardless of its nature. Just be.

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