I asked ChatGPT “explain the buddhist idea of no self”
This is its response that is very accurate, understandable, and appropriate.
The Buddhist idea of “no self,” also known as anatta or anatman, is the concept that there is no permanent, unchanging self or soul that exists independently from the rest of the universe. Instead, Buddhism teaches that all phenomena, including individuals, are impermanent, constantly changing, and interconnected.
According to Buddhist philosophy, the concept of a fixed self or soul is a delusion that leads to suffering. The belief in a permanent self leads to attachment, clinging, and craving for things that we mistakenly think will make us happy. This attachment and clinging, in turn, lead to suffering when these things inevitably change or are taken away from us.
Buddhism teaches that our sense of self is actually a constantly changing combination of five aggregates or skandhas: form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. These aggregates are not permanent or independent but are constantly changing and influenced by various causes and conditions.
In other words, Buddhism views the self as a process rather than a thing. It is a constantly changing and evolving phenomenon that arises due to various causes and conditions. Understanding this idea of no self can help us let go of attachment and craving, leading to a more peaceful and contented state of mind.