Meditation Concentration and Happiness

“Meditation leads to concentration, concentration leads to understanding, and understanding leads to happiness” Thich Nhat Hahn

This wonderful quote from the modern day sage Thich Nhat Hahn is a wonderful pithy description of the benefits of contemplative practice. I believe it is helpful, however, to change the word “concentration” to “mindfulness”. This better represents how meditation helps us concentrate on the present moment just as it is, without judgement, leaving the past behind and future yet to be.

Mindfulness allows us to view our experience and not put labels on it, not make assumptions about it, not relate it to past experiences, and not project it into the future. Rather mindfulness lets us experience everything around and within us exactly as it is arising and falling away from moment to moment. Understanding is simply seeing things exactly as they are without the minds colorations and interpretations. This can lead to much deeper insights, but meditation can still lead to a surface level of understanding, that is quite useful in moving to the next step.

Simply being able to see other people as they are without judgement will generate understanding and compassion. The person is neither good nor bad, kind nor unkind, attractive nor ugly, smart nor stupid, opinionated nor open, etc. They are simply a human being doing the best they can, given their biology and conditioning. This is a revolutionary understanding that changes our entire perspective on others and can lead to a radically different approach to interacting with them. This insight can also lead to a radical adjustment to how we view ourselves.

This understanding produced by meditatively induced mindfulness leads automatically to happiness. Removing the judging mind, that is constantly on the lookout for problems and threats to be solved, allows one to see the beauty and wonder of existence. It reveals the profound mystery that is life. It induces unrelenting gratefulness for the grace we have received. It is impossible not to be happy under these conditions. This happiness is not a peak or ecstatic happiness, but rather a deep and fulfilling satisfaction with all that is. How wonderful is that?

Please keep in mind that nothing is ever this easy. Thich Nhat Hahn is simply providing the outline of the meditative journey. As everyone who has embarked on this journey will attest, the trip is a convoluted roller coaster ride. Lots of difficulties arise along the way. But persevere and slowly, sometimes at glacial speed, we progress in the journey.

So, meditate and know that true happiness awaits if you pursue the path with patience and dedication.


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